Natural Ways to Stay Healthy and Enjoy Living



Exploring Indonesian nature will be not complete without tasting wedang secang (as so-called by Indonesian people). Secang (Caesalpinia sappan Linn.) itself is the name of a kind of shrub, which is typically from South-East Asian region and easily found in Indonesia, while wedang secang (a drink made of secang) is mostly made of its stem.
Many people believe that this natural and healthy drink is originally from Yogyakarta, the second tourist destination province in Indonesia. Sometimes, they mix it with some other ingredients such as ginger, clove, or nutmeg leaf to add certain flavor, and call it in other name, wedang uwuh (drink made from various ingredients). Indonesian people believe that this drink is good for health since it can overcome narrowed coronary artery as well as reduce blood pressure
To make this healthy drink is very simple: first, prepare the secang. We can find this ingredient easily from Indonesian nature; second, pour water into cooking pan. We can use small cooking pan to make it faster boiled; third, put the secang and other ingredients if we want to add flavor into the pan; fourth, cook it until boiled; finally, after it is boiled, pour it into your cup or glass, put some sugar, honey, and the like if you want to make it sweet.
This healthy drink can be consumed in hot or cold one. However, most people like it to be served while hot, bringing more warm sensation to body.  If you do not want to bother in gathering all ingredients, just buy the bag package, like teabags, which are now available in some store. Enjoy the warm greeting of Indonesian nature.

Comments :


Anonymous said... on 

you can call this healthy drink as a Beer from Java!

Unknown said... on 

Well, I'm a herbalist and I believe in these kind of foreign drinks and medicines. I also do acupuncture on myself a few times a week. It works great for me and my patients.

Very informative articles on this blog. I'm going to spend time reading here more often, this is my kind of info:)

Aamer said... on 

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