Natural Ways to Stay Healthy and Enjoy Living



In Indonesian traditional medicine, guava leaf (or in Latin known as Psidium Guajava) has so many benefits. In many villages, guava leaf is still popular among people who can not afford any expensive modern medicine. As this kind of leaf is simply and easily found in any village, guava leaf often becomes the most favorite method in curing some diseases, especially diarrhea.

As Indonesian nature offers such a source of traditional medicine, guava leaf is believed to be effective in the process of healing diarrhea. The curing technique is simple; just take three sheets of the youngest leaves of guava, usually at the end of the top of the tree. Prepare some amount of salt and pepper. Mash the three ingredients to make a kind of compound, eat it at least 3 times a day.

Beside for diarrhea, guava leaf can also be used for preventing a wound from worse condition. Since guava leaf contains vitamin C, it plays an important role in the formation of collagen which is very useful to heal wounds.

To heal a wound using guava leaf, just take 3 sheets of young guava leaves, mille and put it in the wound, of course using a bandage to make it stick. Replace the bandage and the milled guava leaves 3 times a day until the wound healed. Happy exploring Indonesian nature.

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